Events hosted by

Nature Glenelg Trust

Nature Glenelg Trust (NGT) is established as a not-for-profit environmental organisation for the following purposes: • To protect and enhance the natural environment, with a particular emphasis on all forms of ecological restoration, including wetland restoration, across south-eastern Australia. • To generate and provide high quality scientific information and undertake key conservation ecology research, which can be applied to achieve practical environmental benefits. • To promote public awareness of and access to nature, through education, science communication and involving the community in the activities of Nature Glenelg Trust. • To establish, maintain and manage a network of strategically located Permanent Reserves, especially within the organisation’s identified Focal Region. • To use the organisation’s Permanent Reserves to demonstrate practical implementation of purposes (1) to (3) and inspire similar action on other land. • To generate a perpetual annual endowment from the NGT Foundation, a preserved capital fund that will sustain Nature Glenelg Trust’s impact, including the care and management of the organisation’s Permanent Reserves.

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